Monday, February 3, 2014

Styling Experience at Istituto Marangoni London - Job Interview & Night Out Looks

My Dearest Beauties,

I was in London doing a little, but pretty cool, short course in fashion image and styling at Istituto Marangoni. Our final project was to style one of our class mates. We were supposed to give them the perfect outfit for a job interview and one for a night out.

As a professional stylist it is all about giving your client clothes and outfits that will make them feel confident and stylish without giving up their own style. You are supposed to make the most of what they already have taking into account their lifestyle and day to day activities.

Milagros whom I consider a good friend now, is a young 18 year old lady that goes to university in Buenos Aires and loves simple outfits that have a touch of interesting.

These are the two looks I gave her. Job interview first and night out second, I hope you like them!

 Would you go for something similar? Tell me in the comments!

Much love,



  1. increible!!!!! geniaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love the top of the night out outfit, SO shmexy :D

    1. yeah it's the surprise factor in the outfit :D:P!

  3. Love the back of the night out outfit! So shmexy :D
